Sunday, July 10, 2011

Answered Prayers...the beginning.

Sept. 24...39 weeks pregnant...67 lbs heavier than I started...swollen feet, ankles, legs, everything...severe back pain. I go to the OB, and no sign of baby wanting to come at all! They did an ultrasound and guessed that he was 8lbs 10oz at the time. Oh my! How big would he be if I went over my due date!? Luckily the doctor offered to induce me the following week if he didn't come before then. It wasn't what I wanted because I knew there was a higher chance of it ending in a C-section, which I did NOT want. Considering the other option (delivering a giant baby) I was willing to take the chance if needed. Saturday came and I was supposed to have a friend over to do some painting on Josh's walls, but I wasn't feeling good so I cancelled. Guess what!? And here's the answered prayer: I wasn't sick, I was in induction needed!!! I labored at home for about 6 hours til we decided to head to the hospital. When we got there I was 5cm dilated...yay! I also knew by the time we got there that I wanted an epidural. 6 hours later, my world changed forver. My 8lb 9oz baby was born.  Having my little boy placed on my chest was the most special thing I've ever experienced. I'll end for now with some pictures of the day. 

39 weeks pregnant...

After getting the epidural...

My wide eyed boy... 

With Daddy...

Love him! 

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